Monday, May 18, 2015

The rats must be afraid of 'blans'

Today is a Haitian holiday and the Physical Therapy Department is closed. So to try to be useful this morning, I went to the PT Dept to have a look at the storeroom and try to do a little organizing. My major goal was to find a box large enough to serve as a coffin for Ted. Before you gasp in horror, let me state that Ted is the name given by the Haitian Techs to the full size (fake) skeleton that was used for teaching the Rehabilitation Technician program during the 3 years it was active here. Ted has been sitting in various corners of the department for several years and was gradually falling to pieces. His spine was bent almost in two. No one was using him anymore. I did find a big box and was able to take Ted off his stand and store him and the stand in it. I strolled out into the courtyard and in my best broken Kreyol asked a Haitian visitor to the hospital to help me for one minute. He did and we hoisted Ted to a top shelf to rest in peace. The next step was to move the stuff I had taken out of the big box that held Ted to some other box. This required several hours of moving and juggling stuff in the storeroom. By the end, I was coated in dust and sweat. Fortunately in all my poking around in dark corners long neglected, I did not uncover any rats. It is likely that some at least pass through there now and then when it rains. Fortunately, the rats must be afraid of blans (foreigners). None bothered me this morning.

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